Mr. Chair, what we've done now in this bill is we have created these new warrants. We've given them exceptionally broad scope by leaving in the language, “without regard to” any other foreign state's law or international law.
What this amendment proposes is if we're expanding the power of CSIS to get these warrants, there should be additional accountability to go along with that new power. What we're proposing here is that SIRC, which does this in confidence, would receive a report every year on what warrants were applied for, were they granted, what actions were taken, and what results were achieved, so that we have some prospect of seeing whether this process is working from a body independent from CSIS, who have a tendency to say sure, they did it and therefore it must be good. We'll have an in camera process in the Security Intelligence Review Committee to look at how these warrants are working and see if we're running into problems. I think it's essential if we're going to expand the powers and create this new warrant that there be oversight and accountability for the use of those warrants.