Mr. Chair, to reiterate, we signed the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Did we mean it when we signed it, or did we not mean it? If we meant it when we signed it and if we still believe in it, there should really be no qualms whatsoever about reaffirming it and making it explicitly clear in this bill.
It's regrettable that you chose not to pass the amendment to clause 3, but I hope that at least through clause 4 we will show our commitment to what we signed in 1984, for the very good reasons, which I won't reiterate, that, as the honourable member from the NDP stated, governments change, commissioners change, and ministers change.
Once again, we agree with the Privacy Commissioner that it is important to make sure this is explicit and well understood, and that we recommit to those principles.