Thank you very much for the comment.
(Amendment negatived)
I just make note as well, colleagues, that I do believe everybody has hard copies of the amendments. I just want to make sure that everybody does. I also want to thank our staff for putting them all into the modified sequence. You will also note there were no additions or subtractions to amendments, simply the modified sequence. I just bring that to your attention. If anybody doesn't have a copy of those, the chair would certainly be pleased to deal with it.
Also there has been a correction to the date at the bottom.
We will now go to amendment PV-1.
Mr. Hyer, I would just caution you at this point that as an independent, you have the right to speak to this, but of course your time is limited to, let's just say, a minute plus. The chair will be flexible, but I think you understand where we are coming from.