We offer a variety of evidence-based programs. A lot of our programs have actually formed the basis for many other jurisdictions around the world for their correctional programming models they put in place. The work we've done around substance abuse programming has been a model for over 15 years. Violence prevention programming is another specific area that we spend a lot of time on.
Cognitive behavioural programming is the basis for a lot of the various programs that we offer. It helps individuals look at situations, look at options, and make better choices in life. Cognitive behavioural programs are part of our suite.
We also have programs that are specific to aboriginal offenders and to women offenders. As a matter of fact, with aboriginal offenders we have an aboriginal substance abuse program—just in keeping with the theme of the discussion today—that builds on the evidence-based substance abuse program that we've had in place for a number of years. It builds in the cultural and spiritual components that keep aboriginal offenders interested in participating in the program.
We also offer education, which is part of our programming suite. We also offer employment skills development for offenders.
There's quite a variety of programs we offer that target those factors that evidence has shown us lead people into criminal behaviour.