It's worth mentioning that several programs, particularly the work around the cognitive behavioural skills development, substance abuse programming and the anger management violence prevention programs have been in our service for well over 15-plus years. In relation to the substance abuse program its early infancy was almost 20 years ago.
What we've seen, as the minister pointed out in the statistics that he shared, is that offenders that complete these programs are four and a half to five times more likely to receive conditional release. They're about 45% to 50% less likely to commit an offence while they're out under supervision. About 65% of them are less likely to commit a violent offence while they're out in the community. These kinds of success rates in terms of correctional programs are unheard of in relation to a lot of the smaller programs that you hear about in some jurisdictions. Our substance abuse programming, our anger management programming, and our cognitive behavioural-based programming have been sought after by many international correctional jurisdictions. They have been implemented in other countries as part of their public safety approach. We see the impact in terms of public safety, in terms of a less likely commission of offences while they're out there. We see it in terms of individuals reaching their warrant expiry without being revoked by the Parole Board. The research that has been done over the years continues to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of these programs.