We have a limited footprint in the community from a CORCAN perspective. We have three: Community Industries in Moncton, the national engineering centre that I referenced earlier in Laval, and our CORCAN warehouse in Kingston. Through those three we have hired about 103 inmates. That gives them a transition to the community, and most of those people do leave us to go on to other jobs with private employers.
The other thing is we share the labour market trends and where the opportunities are, because the interesting thing about ESDC's data is that it doesn't just talk about what job opportunities there are in certain areas, it gets pretty specific about, for example, new construction that will be going on in a certain region, opportunities that are coming down the pipe. We do highlight those to the community employment counsellors to say, listen, this is happening in your backyard and it will be coming down the pipe. It depends on the timeframe of the project, but we do share that. There are 17 community employment counsellors located across the country who work with offenders.
As well too we can never forget the NGOs. We have Elizabeth Fry and John Howard who also work with the offenders to prepare them for release and assist them with resumé writing and other issues as well.