We did a survey last year.... Now, you need to understand this is a community that was seeing a gang crisis in front of them. They were seeing gangsters shot on the street. So for them to see the turnaround in relation to that.... We did a survey last year and our approval rating was extremely high, well over 90%. What was interesting, though—and it really responds to what you said—was that it was slightly lower amongst those who had had contact with us in the preceding year. In other words, people are frequently not happy once they have contact with the police. A lot of times that is because of how long they had to wait for the officer to show up, or because of some of those kinds of issues, or because we didn't solve their crime for them.
KPMG says that if we do this right, we will increase customer service, because people will not be waiting for a police officer. They will be responded to by phone, and we will make an appointment to go see them or we will ask them to come see us, and they will have contact with a police officer at the station. But I believe that some of what you say will be true. I would love to have a doctor come to my house when I'm sick, but he or she doesn't do that unless there's a real critical situation going on.
So there is a balance to be found between customer service and efficient policing, and we must try to strike that in order to handle taxpayer dollars well.