Abbotsford is trying to respond to this issue. I don't think we're as far down this road as some other agencies in B.C. are. We have a mental health officer, a police officer who works full-time on trying to resolve these issues. Her job, for example, is to take a story like the one Chief Hanson provided, about someone who is using a lot of our resources, and meet with all the other social agencies and discuss that case to try to find a resolution for that person so that they are no longer consuming our resources. That has been very successful in relation to a handful of people who were creating scores of calls for the police. We are also finding, though, that there is just an unreal number of people who are suicidal, who are mentally ill, who have to be apprehended. The problem is, we're talking about different people almost every night who we're having to deal with. The number of people who are struggling with mental health issues and who we get involved with is somewhat overwhelming.
Other police departments in B.C. have done very well with—