Thank you very much. That's what I needed to hear, because that's what was actually done. You do have to train your people on how to respond to the customer, how to show empathy, and so on, and then explain why you're doing what you're doing. Generally that's accepted.
I'd like to go back to some of the questions Mr. Garrison had with regard to mental health and addiction. Just for your edification, and you may already be aware of this, we did see a unit—I believe it was in Calgary with Chief Hanson—in which they had one mentally ill gentleman who alone cost the police department and their taxpayers about a million dollars a year. It was socially disruptive and a whole lot of other things, and they went about solving that. I suspect very strongly that you're aware of that case, and hopefully it will form part of our report on how we deal with mentally ill people.
I'd like to refer quickly to this association with what is referred to as the “hub” principle, which involves utilizing other community resources and having the police meet with them to discuss particular case management. So it moves from the police perspective—although they're always somewhat involved—over to a social agency that is perhaps better equipped to handle anti-social behaviour. I'm wondering if you have considered that concept or looked at it as a way to reduce your costs and/or make yourself more efficient. I would suggest both of those. Have you contemplated that particular program or one like it?