That's the biggest fear and concern, that just because we're going to stand up to protect the land and our water and any development, we could be branded as terrorists. I think of the anti-fracking position that Elsipogtog took. Are the people terrorists because they're trying to protect the water? I think of even the Site C flooding in northern B.C. that's proposed. If the people there start standing up against that initiative, are they going to be branded as terrorists for trying to protect their hunting territories where they used to trap, fish, hunt, and gather? Are they going to be labelled as terrorists? I think of northern Manitoba, Bipole III, where they're clear-cutting the forests. Chief Genaille is standing up against that because that's where they used to hunt, fish, trap, and gather. Same thing, are they going to be branded as terrorists if they try to say, “Hey, we have rights here”?
By going ahead with these developments, it's going to affect them. Our biggest fear is that, when our people are starting to stand up for their rights, they will be branded as terrorists when they're not. They're just standing up for their fundamental, inherent rights, treaty rights and aboriginal rights, and they should not be branded as terrorists because they're protecting the land and the water.