Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you for trying to find a way to have some fairness in the rounds of questioning.
Thank you to all the witnesses. Everybody adds something to this process in their own way. The amount of time is a problem for sure.
I do want to say at the beginning regarding Ms. James' point about Tuesday's testimony by the minister, I submit that it was the minister's opinion. It was not necessarily fact regarding the part dealing with greater certainty and lawful dissent. There are some questions around that.
I want to start with you, Chief Bellegarde. I'm going to tell you what I took from presentation, and you can tell me whether I'm right or wrong. I don't think you were opposing measures to protect the national security of Canadians as such. You're concerned about the process of how we got here, and about section 35 not being followed. Am I correct in that?