The information sharing component of this, which of course is in the title of the act, is likely to gain more broad-based support than other aspects of the act, I suspect, but within that there will still be concerns raised, as you've already heard this evening and from others.
I'll answer that in two ways. This is where technical specialists, such as we've had already this evening, should indeed have a very close look at it, and I'm sure this committee has access to their own subcommittee works. I'm a bit concerned personally, for example, that the income tax information is now going to be shared for the first time as part of that.
I think the information sharing component has been pointed out repeatedly. We heard earlier this evening that as one of the most important aspects of enhancing our security, the siloing that was discovered by your 9/11 activities has to end, but the other side of that will be that information privacy concerns will be an ongoing concern, I would think, for this committee and for others.
I don't have the technical expertise that others have, and I know that on this issue you have drafting, and for that matter, Department of Justice expertise. I think it's likely to be the most accepted aspect of this broad legislation compared to other dimensions, provisions, we've been hearing about.