In terms of how Canadian youth, and I would say all vulnerable Canadians, can be protected against the ideology of violent extremism—because I think we've seen that there's no particular profile of an individual who is more or less susceptible to radicalization, when we have individuals who were born here and individuals who are at different stages of their lives.... I think it's important to recognize that this is a complex issue. As such, it is going to require a multi-pronged, short-, medium-, and long-term strategy in order to be effectively dealt with. It's going to require assistance and input from all stakeholders, including government, security agencies, Muslim communities across Canada, and others.
We've heard in the case of Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau that there were issues of previous mental instability. Drug use has been mentioned. All of these social services providers, drug advisers, and those kinds of inputs from various aspects of society are going to be required, because as I said earlier, this is not something the Muslim community can deal with on its own.