All of the Conservative members of this committee who were elected at the time voted to repeal section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act a couple of years ago. This was done at the strong urging of the grassroots conservative base. We asked you to repeal it because the wording was broad and vague, it lacked due process, and it was being abused and applied to people who did not post hate speech, such as us.
Bill C-51 is also broad and vaguely worded. Even “terrorist” is not defined. Instead of the flawed tribunal system in section 13, it completely lacks due process, allowing for secret hearings at which the accused can't present a defence or even face his accuser. With even less oversight than section 13, it's inevitable that it will also be abused and applied to non-terrorists.
If you voted to repeal section 13 to protect the rights of Canadians, the only principled thing to do would be to also vote against Bill C-51.