In fact, I think it's a crucial piece, even across the federal government. Having worked for the last four years with the RCMP, and having the same authority as an RCMP officer, it is challenging to get access to information in different government agency holdings that would in fact help to further a criminal investigation. Often it could also be used to stop a national security investigation; you get access to information that is held in another pillar that would stop further pursuit by individuals or groups that have been identified or about whom complaints have been brought to us.
It's interesting—and I spoke from a municipal perspective—at the federal level. I think it is absolutely crucial that information be allowed to be shared. But there has to be accountability for that. Respectfully, it's all of our rights. I think we need to consider that when we look at what safeguards are in place for sharing that information.
However, that information and those gaps are absolutely an issue, and certainly we are frustrated at times with finding legal means to get access to information that would assist our investigations and in fact help to prevent terrorist offences.