I retired from the RCMP after 35 years, most of it on the intelligence side. I was also a liaison officer, a diplomat, in Islamabad, Pakistan. When I was there I was responsible for 17 countries, including Afghanistan and other “stans”, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq. I was there to develop and work with intelligence agencies in an effort to share information. That was in 2002.
I've been a guest speaker at a Middle East law enforcement policing function on intelligence information sharing. I was a guest of the Greek government in 2003, prior to the Olympics, on intelligence sharing internationally. As the director general of the information sharing environment, I worked a fair amount with the United States and EUPOL, looking at different ways in which we could effectively share information while being safe, secure, and of course, ensuring the privacy of Canadians.
My experience is fairly worldwide, and I have been retired for only two years.