I was just very concerned to hear from you, Ms. Palmater, that you think this bill literally covers everything. I'm not sure you quite understand that this bill is actually five separate and distinct parts. What you are referring to is actually under the proposed information sharing act. The purpose of that act is simply be allow one branch of government to push information out to a national security agency when that information is pertinent to the national security and safety of Canadians. So it actually has nothing to do with the amendments that are found in part 5 of this bill that relate to CSIS. It has nothing to do with the changes to the Criminal Code in another section of this bill. It's actually a stand-alone.
There are safeguards in this. I'd like to thank the inspector for bringing that up. You clearly said it. There are adequate safeguards in this legislation and you are in support of the information sharing aspects, but I'd like to ask the inspector a question with regard to warrants.
Why is it necessary for police and law enforcement to get warrants?