Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank the witnesses for their testimony.
Unfortunately, we have a piece of urgent business which I think we have to deal with, given the ruling of the Speaker on our point of order about the Conservatives' use of their majority to overrule the chair's decision on the motion that was before us in our 51st meeting. I have a motion that I would like to move at this time, because the Speaker said he couldn't deal with the matter unless it was reported to the Speaker.
The motion that I am moving now is the following:
That the committee issue a report to the House summarizing the procedural difficulties which occurred at its 51st meeting, including the manner in which the debate on the motion concerning the number of meetings and witnesses for Bill C-51 under consideration at that meeting was interrupted and the questions put, and that the Committee report to the House no later than March 26, 2015.
I think it's being distributed now. If I could say a couple of words about it, this was the time we were discussing what has—