Okay, colleagues, we're back in session for our second hour of testimony and Qs and As today.
We have a different group of witnesses with us now whom we welcome, and I will state them, of course.
As an individual, we have with us Thomas Quiggin. From the Canadian Bar Association, we have Peter Edelmann, executive member, immigration law section; and Eric Gottardi, chair, criminal justice section. By way of video conference from Phoenix, Arizona, we welcome, from the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, Mr. Zuhdi Jasser, president. Welcome to one and all.
Gentlemen, we'll allow up to 10 minutes for introduction and or a comment. We would ask, if at all possible, to make that even more brief, so that we have more time for Q and A. But you have that allowance of up to 10 minutes.
We will start off with Mr. Quiggin. You're up, sir.