Thank you. I'm no longer a professor. I don't teach anymore although I held that profession in a couple of different countries.
First, I'd just like to wholeheartedly endorse Dr. Jasser's comments. What he just said is exactly the truth. I'd also like to add that his comments on the lone wolf earlier were correct. The concept of a lone wolf in terrorism exists; it happens. It's one of the rarest species on the planet. Anders Breivik comes to mind as a guy who operated totally as a lone wolf. Outside of that, there are very few examples.
In terms of who speaks for Muslims, I think this is perhaps the biggest issue we have in Canada right now. We have a whole series of problems on Muslims. There is no such thing as a Muslim community in Canada. There are multiple communities, be they Shia, Sunni, dervish, Sufi, etc., whatever. We hear a number of Canadian organizations say that they speak on behalf of all Canadian Muslims, when in fact they don't. They speak perhaps for 15% or 20% of Canadian Muslims. I think the government in particular needs to start focusing past those groups that claim they speak for Muslims, and start looking at the grassroots organizations that speak for the other 80%.
I'm also aware, having dealt extensively with the Islamic and Muslim community, that a number of them would speak out, but they won't. Why not? Fear. Fear of lawsuits, fear of abuse, fear of job loss, etc. I would put this back on the government as well. The government needs to start engaging and protecting those people more often. The most deadly thing I think we have in Canada right now is political correctness. Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, Sweden, etc., have been so heavily infested, so infected, by political correctness that it robs the country of the ability to speak openly and intelligently on problems.
We have problems. You cannot look at the stream of youth—just the ones from the Muslim students' associations—leaving this country to go and kill themselves, to kill others, and not come to the conclusion that something may be wrong.