We're referring specifically here to the network of the Muslim Brotherhood. That network spans both the United States and all of North America including Canada but also elsewhere in the world, certainly western Europe, in terms of this kind of targeting of our society for infiltration and subversion from within. Whereas elsewhere we see jihadist organizations taking a violent or a kinetic approach to conducting attacks with explosions and murder, and these things are being targeted against our societies as well, with the Muslim Brotherhood, we're seeing a calculated program to infiltrate society in different spheres. In other words, we're talking about academia, government at different levels—both the legislature of our countries and also the senior serving and appointed members of government—the media certainly, and throughout society. That has been the modus operandi of the Muslim Brotherhood and its various groups.
We know that quite a number of those groups operate throughout North America, in the United States as well as Canada, among which would be those listed on the Muslim Brotherhoods own explanatory memorandum's last page, which was one of those documents presented as evidence in our own Holy Land Foundation trial. On that list, which the Brotherhood titles “Our friends and the organizations of our friends”—quite helpful, them—were organizations like CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations; ISNA, Islamic Society of North America; ICNA, Islamic Circle of North America; NAIT, North American Islamic Trust, which, by the way, holds the deeds of trust to around 80% of all mosques and Islamic centres in the United States. These are some of the organizations I'm talking about.