Thank you.
I want to turn to the Center for Security Policy. Listening to the discussion between you and Mr. Falk, I think you have a grave misunderstanding of what we have in place in Canada as oversight. We have no oversight at all over all our national security agencies. There is nothing that coordinates the whole works. Many of us believe we need that. In the States, you have—and I've met with them—the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which can look at classified information, and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, which can look at classified information and raise questions. We have none of that in Canada in terms of elected representatives. You also have the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, which coordinates a lot of information. We have none of that in Canada.
We have a review body called SIRC that can look at issues after the fact. We used to have an inspector general, until this government cut that position. Many of us are demanding that what is needed to accompany this bill is oversight that would be all-encompassing of all our national security agencies with access to classified information that could ensure our national security agencies are doing what they should be doing and not overreaching and going beyond what they should be doing in impacting civil liberties.
My question to you, based on your answer to Mr. Falk—