Sorry, Mr. Chair.
I'm happy to move to my amendment, which you'll find at the end of part 4, the very end. I attempt to augment the elements of the report. The report is already specified under clause 50 of part 4.
My amendment adds some additional specificity to what the report shall contain. “The number of warrants issued under section 21.1” is already listed. But this also includes “the number of renewals issued”; “the number of assistance orders issued”; “the number of requests for assistance” ordered; and “the nature of the measures authorized under section 21.1.”
The current language of the act allows for only the number of warrants, not the nature of the measures that were authorized. Certainly SIRC will find this of much greater use.
The report shall not contain any information the disclosure of which would
I won't read all the details, but it's would for other public policy or security reasons be inadvisable.