Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I am going to vote in favour of the amendment proposed by the government.
However, I must say that the Privacy Commissioner's recommendations are fairly clear. We tried to improve the amendment proposed by the Conservatives, but I am rather disappointed to see that the government party members were, unfortunately, not open to those changes.
It is important to mention that we studied this issue in committee for hours and we met with witnesses on several occasions. Many witnesses mentioned that the wording used was problematic. I am pleased to see that the government changed its mind regarding the wording of clause 2. That is important and the issue was raised by several witnesses. For that reason, I am going to vote in favour of the amendment.
However, we must not forget that the Privacy Commissioner is an officer of Parliament. He had serious concerns. He made specific recommendations regarding clause 2. It would have been a good idea to listen to one of our officers of Parliament.
Since it is still an improvement, I will vote in favour of the amendment.