Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We're caught in some binds here by procedure. I definitely want the word “lawful” out of this act, but tied in with this amendment is the second clause. I think there are better clauses than the amendment to clause 6 that are coming forward later on in the amendments.
I will support it overall, but I am concerned about how far and what information can be shared, so I would ask the Justice folks about this, with this amendment in place. A lot of the witnesses were concerned about this wording: “or further disclosing it to any person, for any purpose”. I asked some of the people who are in the legal community what that meant, and they said they didn't have a clue.
This, I will admit, does look—or it looks on the surface—like it restricts it somewhat more. Could you explain how this restricts the sharing of information on individuals over basically anything?