I certainly can.
If the person is stopped and if you are checking them and if they have firearms with them, certainly the first thing a police officer's going to do is ask them for their licence. If they happen to have a restricted licence, you will notice that on the back. If the individual has his restricted firearms or prohibited firearms with him, the condition on the back of the licence will indicate automatically the terms under which he can transport those.
It's just a one-stop thing for them. They have the licence and it has the conditions under which they can move or transport the restricted and prohibited firearms, and also for what purposes, I might add.
For the police officer on the street, it makes it that much easier for them to do their job. They're not looking for a piece of paper. Oftentimes authorizations to transport are faxed to individuals. People don't go into the firearms office to get them; they're usually sent by fax. Depending on the nature of the fax machine, the faxed copy may not be that good.