Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
We are in the situation where we have another bill that has been rushed through Parliament using time allocation and rushed through committee. We have not heard from the full spectrum of witnesses we should have heard from with regard to a bill that's so important to public safety. We have not had any proposals to change any provisions in the bill from the government, so the bill stands as it was introduced.
We remain concerned about two things in this.
One, on which we presented an amendment today, is that non-aboriginal Canadians in rural or remote areas are losing the ability to challenge the firearms test. For a government that argues it's reducing red tape and unnecessary paperwork for gun owners, we think this is an example where they are in fact doing the opposite.
The second and probably larger objection deals with firearms classification. We've had this single example of the Swiss Arms classic green rifle, which was reclassified and seems to have caused the government to consider changing the whole classification system and introducing a political element that we do not believe should be there.
The current legislation allows the minister to exempt weapons that have a legitimate hunting or sporting use from the classification established in the law, and we think that's sufficient. This opens it up wide, and as I said in our discussion of the various clauses of the bill, it really politicizes the process of gun classification rather than leaving it up to experts. I always raise the prospect that the Conservatives service may not always be in government and may not be as happy with political decisions made on gun classification by other parties as they would be with ones made by themselves. I think that illustrates the problem. We don't believe any political party or politician should be making those basic decisions.
The final objection I wish to call attention to is the automatic authorization to transport. I have personally heard from many in the law enforcement community that this is not about the law-abiding citizen who has the authorization to transport; it's about their ability as law enforcement to enforce the law against the illegal transportation of goods, and those who don't have authorizations to transport.
What the scheme here creates is what one law enforcement official said to me, which was five automatic excuses for having a weapon in your car. And having not heard from law enforcement, I remain convinced that this is a significant public safety issue in this bill.
So at this point we will not be supporting the bill.