I don't know what kinds of records are kept here, but in terms of your point about the value of the hunting and angling outdoor way of life and the fact that you and your party support it, I'll take that at face value.
However, your leader's views on Bill C-42 shocked many of us. I have an article here from November of last year. I'll quote from it:
Wednesday, following the Liberals’ weekly caucus meeting, Trudeau insisted that should C-42 become the law assault rifles, machine guns and high-powered handguns would be commonplace “outside busy places like shopping malls, grocery stores and sports arenas.”
That doesn't strike me as somebody who supports the hunting and angling way of life. I respect your support for this way of life, and I know that you respect it. As for the leader, this over-the-top comment shows where the leadership of the Liberal Party is coming from.