Yes, we looked at that prior to the office's opening its doors. We examined what was done in Alberta for ASIRT. We looked at the SIU. We were very grateful to have the benefit of the SIU's experience. The SIU has part-time, on-call investigators throughout the province who have the ability to respond very quickly. I believe the majority, if not all of them, are former police officers.
We were challenged with needing to create a culture of civilian policing, if you will. The chief civilian director decided that in order to do that, he needed everyone under one roof in one location. That's not to say that down the road we wouldn't be looking at satellite offices. It is something that has been raised by the public in B.C. numerous times.
I think, as winter is upon us, we'll potentially be facing cases in the interior and northern B.C. in which travel and weather have an impact upon our response times. That then lends itself to depending upon the resources of the local police service. In some of these communities there are only four police officers.