The people who are instructing them are all certified. They go through the procedures of safety. It's on a firing range.
They're taught the proper way to load the firearm, the proper way to discharge the firearm. They are taught about not pointing it in any direction other than down range. They are taught not to move until the range officer says it's clear to move. They are taught all the normal safety standards that you would put in place with any firearm.
Because these are children, we take particular care to ensure that they understand the rules. They are supervised with immediate supervision. When I say “immediate”, I mean supervised by somebody at their elbow at all times for every individual who is on that range at any given time.
We take that very seriously. We're not talking about high-powered firearms here. We're talking about low-velocity pellet guns, but we still take them very seriously. We don't want to see an injury to anybody for any reason. It behooves us to take those precautions.