First, I welcome the opportunity to clarify the record in terms of the impact on the border.
In general terms, the numbers you've quoted are accurate. The CBSA, like all other departments, contributed to the effort in fighting the government deficit, so we contributed $143 million. That number is certainly accurate.
The efforts the CBSA made were to protect the integrity of managing the border. I can assure you, and I am highly confident, that we've achieved that in terms of the manner in which we undertook those cuts. For instance, about half of those cuts—close to $70 million—were achieved by the streamlining of internal services. This is mostly headquarters support functions and the associated responsibilities.
We also streamlined a lot of the programs. We found efficiencies in programs.
Where we didn't cut was what we call the front line, so for the services we provide in the airports and at the land border, for instance, we did not conduct any reductions in staff.