I'm hearing that some members of the committee are not ready to engage in the agenda discussion yet, and would like some time to think about it. It could then either go to the subcommittee or come to the first committee meeting after the break.
I'm think I'm hearing from members who have not been in the previous government, or who have not had committee experience, that they're looking for more time. I'm hearing also from someone who has ideas that they want to get going on. I respect both of those.
I also am hearing Mr. Dubé saying that the subcommittee probably cannot meet until the following week after
the break week.
We would take time in the next seven days to plan some agenda items. We could have a full in camera meeting at our first meeting after the break week to discuss our agenda over the next several months.
I would remind you that our Parliament actually was convened weeks after the last election, unlike the new government that was formed in 2006, which took several months after they formed government to come back. So I think we're not delaying; we're actually a very proactive Parliament and a proactive government.
I sense, though, that committee members are asking for some time to engage in what the issues should be. The real question may be this: does that go to a subcommittee that meets between now and a week from Tuesday, or do we plan our first meeting after the break week and do agenda?