The part of the bill dealing with publicly available information specifically exempts the prohibition on targeting Canadians. So you might not be actively collecting it, but you are permitted to collect it as part of the research that's being done under clauses 24 and 25, if I'm not mistaken.
You mentioned information that's hacked or stolen, but under the current legislation, arguably, the information that we're discussing in this particular example—I'm sure there are others that we just don't know of—was not obtained unlawfully. So the work Cambridge Analytica—and probably other companies of that sort—was doing for political parties, for example, was obtaining information through Facebook on people, and that's being done legally.
Would that not fall under publicly available information, if a company like that is able to obtain it? There are no legal repercussions because it's not illegal. Could CSE not do the same thing under those dispositions even if incidentally, as laid out in the law, in Bill C-59?