First of all, communication is the most important element in the political system, and right now the rural or general public are confused by the terminology the federal government has instituted. One example is what a non-restricted firearm is; it's a rifle or a shotgun. What is a restricted firearm? It's a handgun—a pistol or a revolver. What is a prohibited firearm? It's an automatic weapon. Assault rifles fall into the automatic weapon category, and they are indeed fodder for the news media, the broadcasting, and so on.
What we need is a system whereby the general public has access to the particular information that identifies those categories. I propose that you consider a bill of sale, available with their firearms training. The bill of sale would include a place for both the buyer and the seller, and also the list of descriptors that identify what they have. At the bottom, you could put a link to the Canadian firearms safety centre, so that the buyer or seller can contact them and say, “I have one that's borderline and, therefore, am concerned to know whether it's legal or illegal for me to buy it.”