My language is presuming that we're instructing the minister to determine how. I'm not suggesting in any way, shape, or form to diminish the fact that this committee is instructing the minister to do this. I want the minister to determine how that would be possible, whether that's through a duty to warn or some other type of mechanism that may be beyond the purview of the wisdom of this committee. That's why I changed the language that way. That way, if there are options available outside the ethical and legal requirements provincially, those would be available to the minister.
I would assume the minister would follow the intent of the instructions more than the instructions anyway. I'm not trying to undermine the positive effects this might have. I think this might be a good idea, and I think it might improve public safety.
I'm trying to come up with wording that would provide the minister with the tools he or she would need to get the job done.