Okay. I would ask that you endeavour to do better than the last response I got, which referred me to Twitter. The last time I had CSE here they were saying, “We tweet now”, so I just hope for something a little more robust along the lines of the NSA. I can't believe I'm giving the NSA credit, but on this they deserve some, so if you could follow that example it would be greatly appreciated.
I had another question relating to private infrastructure, notwithstanding that I feel this has become a dirty word. It's interesting that in any of these issues related to specific companies, and for some of the concerns, whether it's around Huawei or others, when it comes to private infrastructure, obviously you're talking about liaising with private enterprise. You can look at private electrical grids or you can talk about a private clinic with regard to health information or something along those lines.
What's done there when there's a private infrastructure that might be foreign-owned or not clearly defined as Canadian-owned and there's a little more of that grey zone? How do you operate in that particular kind of context, especially with spectrum and things like that for telecommunications?