Certainly, we'd look to work with the RCMP on that to engage all law enforcement and to follow their lead on that.
In terms of financial contributions, it's not really within our authority or remit to do those types of things, but we do offer training. We run our IT security learning centre right now, where we do offer training. For example, I know that we've had a few provincial police forces come in for training programs, etc., in terms of IT security. I think we'd really look to leverage that relationship with the RCMP and things like the national police college and do what we can to try to support training in that environment.
Certainly this is something that we see as police forces. We need to be able to work together. Also, we need to know when to get out of the way and allow the police forces to do their important work without any tainting of the evidence, right? At the end of the day, I really encourage that.