Thanks, Chair.
Thanks to all the witnesses for being here.
I was in a situation where I had to perform CPR on someone, so I and my staff all do the training, and I think what struck me the most was how easy the AEDs are. But without having done that training, I know I would never have gone to use one.
I guess I would put this out to all of you. One of the things that has struck me is that, while my community office is actually in a medical building, we have no idea who in that building has an AED. If there were ever a situation in the building, there's no record of where these are. That's quite common, I think.
What do you think the benefits of that would be, versus putting them in first responder vehicles? I put that to any of you.
Are they two totally separate things? Maybe I'll put that to St. John Ambulance.