That's good to know. It would serve in certain places. I accept there are some extraordinarily cold situations when the RCMP would want to be the responders, up north in particular.
On page 7 you draw attention to cost-sharing issues: “These services are provided through Police Services Agreements, which see the costs for RCMP services shared by the provincial or municipal government, and the federal government”. The cost of $1,700 per defibrillator assumes that the government assumes the entire cost, zero dollars being paid for.
This is a comment, not a question. My interpretation is that $1,700 per unit is a maximum cost. If we could get the provinces or municipalities to share in that cost, it would go down. I would not want us to misunderstand the fact that we have shared jurisdiction that keeps us from being able to do this.
Similarly, I think I'm right in saying, although you can correct me if I'm wrong, that the fact we have police services agreements with other jurisdictions.... Am I right? I don't think anything in any of those agreements prohibits us from putting defibrillators into RCMP cruisers right now.