Yes. The United States has 10 times as many people as we do. They had 11,004 murders with guns in 2016. We had 223. If the proportions were the same, they would have had around 2,000. They have substantially higher rates of gun homicide.
If you look at murders without guns, they're about twice as high. We were 0.93 per 100,000 and they were 1.94. This really reinforces the fact that more guns make us less safe. More guns result in more dead children, more dead women and more dead police officers.
This pattern is consistent, tragically, across Canada. If you compare the rates of gun ownership to the rates of gun death and injury in this country, you see those rates of firearm-related violent crime replicated. The provinces where there are the most guns have the highest rates of women killed with guns and the highest rates of suicide.
The evidence if very clear on this point.