First, I think, Corrections has to figure out how they want to deliver services. One of the problems is that Corrections likes to deliver services in a particular way. Take the question about FASD. If you have FASD, you are not going to work well in group settings. You're not going to work well in a cognitive behavioural process. You can't do that. If the rule is that in order to move through your correctional plan you must have completed these groups, it won't happen. It doesn't matter who you put in to administer those programs. If they can't make it work, it won't work.
CSC has to be willing. It may be willing. We'll see. I mean, the money is fine, but we'll see how it actually gets put out and if they're willing to listen to people who can talk about “this is how services have to be developed”. The focus needs to be on the needs of the individual person and to move out from there, as opposed to saying, no, they all have to fit into this particular framework. That's crucial.