We know how to make devices and phones more secure. It's a matter of actually stepping up and making that a requirement. I can walk you through all the technical premises behind this.
It continues to amaze me that in this industry, in the applications it uses, when you download an app and you read the long description that nobody ever reads, you essentially say that you're willing to use a faulty device and will put no liability and no responsibility on the manufacturer of that device. In what other industry has government decided that the manufacturer basically can completely absolve himself or herself of any responsibility for any faults in the product, even when those are known faults, or for the inability or unwillingness to patch those because the security concerns are more...and also because the app might no longer run on all sorts of different devices or whatnot?
I think this is simply irresponsible. I think that's where government needs to say, no, you can't manufacture technology that is knowingly insecure and knowingly faulty and then make the consumer responsible for using that technology.