Thank you, Chair.
Gentlemen, thank you for being here. I apologize for my tardiness and missing your presentations. It's a problem when you're alone here; you can't separate yourself in two. I was stuck with some media upstairs.
I do want to ask about the role of the private sector. It's something that has come up quite a bit, and I think it's one of the underlying tensions in this field of navigating what role the public and private sectors have to play.
I'm just wondering if you see any concerns over the fact that a lot of these things are being offered as services. There's always this notion of wanting to protect what you do best and the clients that you have versus another company operating in the same field. Is there any concern that the sort of regular rules of business and industry might undermine any kind of uniformity or ability to have standard practices and ensure that everyone's on a level playing field when it comes to our own interests here or in the U.S., for example?