Academia is a pretty close-knit community. We tend to know each other. In this specific sub-discipline, we were successful in getting buy-in. In addition to focusing on the cutting-edge world research we're each doing as individuals, everyone was keen to collaborate and work together and have it have a positive impact for Canada and the world.
There are a number of venues where two of the three meet. All three is pretty rare, though we do host a symposium twice a year with about 40 people who are thought leaders from the three sectors. It focuses on cybersecurity. Quantum is just one piece of that discussion. We discuss what it means for Canada to be a leader in cybersecurity, how we can get there and how we can work together. There have been a lot of positive interactions. It's still relatively small-scale and ad hoc. I think we would benefit from a more proactive pull for this kind of benevolent, mission-oriented activity.
Brian, did you want to add something?