Thank you for both of your presentations. They were very insightful.
Recently the Diplomat & International Canada magazine published a survey in which sources said they were concerned about their online privacy. Their top concern was cybercriminals; the second was Internet companies themselves attacking their privacy.
Do you think that companies, especially social media companies and any that you probably have as clients, could be doing more, not only to ensure that their users' data is protected but also to ensure that users have a sense of protection? From your presentation, it seems like things are very grim. With all of the technology we're using, everything is in the cloud now. It seems like it's more unsafe than ever.
Where do we go from here? I know you've proposed a couple of solutions. In terms of innovation and investment by the government, you talked about exchanging information between the private sector and the government. How do you think a government can spur innovation?
You mentioned regulations as well. How do you think they can regulate it? Is there something we can do? Is there a jurisdiction that's doing it better than us at this point? What lessons should we learn from them?