I do not. I make reference to that in my written submission, but I can respond right now.
Essentially, what Minister Goodale was trying to say was that pardons are more beneficial for government crossings to the United States, because a successful applicant will have documented proof of a pardon while an expungement does not. This would only be the case where the government creates a regime that results in that objective.
This question was raised in this committee when the government was studying Bill C-66, which was a bill to create expungement for historically unjust sentences. When the CEO of the Parole Board, Talal Dakalbab, testified before this committee, he was asked this very same question.
Talal Dakalbab testified that those who receive an expungement pursuant to Bill C-66 could carry with them the Parole Board of Canada's expungement decision. This is a quote from that testimony:
This document shows that their offence has been expunged or that they have obtained a pardon or a record suspension. This is usually how this information can be removed from the systems of other countries.
There is a mechanism—if the government constructs the legislation in that way—to provide a document that is equally as useful in the process of an expungement but that is not in a criminal record database. With something, for example, like a birth certificate, there is meaning and weight to its significance, but it's not in a police database; it doesn't prevent you from getting a job.
Where it can be created, as Minister Goodale mentioned in the case of a suspension, it can also be created in the case of an expungement, and that was suggested by the CEO of the Parole Board when testifying about Bill C-66.