I'm a criminal defence lawyer. I'm concerned about the 5%. That's a serious concern.
Like I said, you have a marginalized individual who has a conviction for cannabis possession who then, let's say, is noted by...and this is a real-life example. Their car is pulled over and they're found to be in the company of individuals who have serious criminal records or they are just found to be somewhere where serious criminal activity is being committed. They're not charged, never mind convicted, or they're charged and then charges are withdrawn. That can be the basis for revoking a record suspension.
Remember, what are we talking about here? We're not talking about something that is still an offence and for which you've been pardoned because of your good behaviour now and for which you've repented. We're talking about something that is not illegal anymore. How can someone even have it hanging over their head, I would respectfully ask? It's not illegal anymore. Why do we still want it in the system? What right case could there be to restore the conviction for something that's no longer a crime? Frankly, I fail to see that.