We did research on individual devices in vehicles to see if they would be helpful, but it's very preliminary. We heard that some companies are working on devices that could be implemented in individual cars and could prevent the car from starting if someone has had a drink, but they don't seem to be working very well.
While we're talking about autonomous driving, it seems that it could be simple to have a device in the car, but it doesn't seem to be.
There are a lot of issues, and they have not resolved them. Obviously, if it happens, we will all change jobs in my field, and I would be happy to.
We tested a simple feedback device on young people after they had been drinking, in a lab, and they had drunk a relatively high amount of alcohol and it actually didn't help. It was only a feedback device installed in a car. They were alone in a car, and 60% decided to drive the simulator anyway. A lot of them told us that they had driven in the past feeling the same way that they felt in the lab.
Basically, in terms of individual devices, in the short term, I don't see much. I have not heard about much happening right now. I think the study we did was one of the first ones with people under the influence, and it's not very promising.