We're always concerned to hear that someone has left the country and has been radicalized. Whether or not they convert, there's the whole process of radicalization to violence. In this case there was maybe not necessarily radicalization to violence, but there was enough radicalization that they wanted to join the fight for other purposes. Obviously countering radicalization to violence was already part of our terrorism strategy that was published in 2012.
Sorry, I'm catching up on the history of the department. I've been there for a month myself.
We do have a national counterterrorism strategy, of which countering violent extremism is already a part. It is part of one of the pillars, really part of the prevention pillar. We look at how to work with communities, how to build trust with communities so that they can recognize certain indicators. We're talking about radicalization whether by somebody on the ground who is in their city or through the Internet.