The ideology you're talking about is a particular mutation in a specific ideology. What do I mean by this? There are lots and lots of people.... You'll notice I use the term “Islamist”, not “Islamic”, making the distinction between the religion and Islamism, which is a political ideology. Even within those who subscribe to Islamism, still only a very small part will pursue violence to achieve that end.
In terms of this idea that it's been around for a very long time, I'm not entirely sure that's accurate, in the sense that, yes, you will always have some people who are basically saying, “We need to use violence to achieve our political end.” What I'm saying is that in a place where groups like ISIS, and before them al Qaeda, and groups that will come after them...they're hitting home that very small segment, and we are not standing up. It's not just a religious narrative. There are all kinds of other motivations or gateways that would lead people to choose this type of behaviour or action. If you want to focus on the religious one, then that's where you have to actively get in there, have that debate, and provide that counter or alternatives.
Again, it's not like it's ingrained everywhere in everybody. This is something they work very hard at crafting, disseminating, and targeting toward specific audiences they feel are vulnerable.